Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rave: T.W.O. Motorcycle Resort in Suches, GA

On Saturday, 09/06/08, I rode to Suches, GA with a few of my fellow co-worker-friends and ate lunch at the T.W.O. motorcycle resort. This is a pretty neat place, I had never been there before. It wasn't very busy, there were only a few bikes in the parking lot, so we got fast service for our lunch orders. Neat memorabelia on the walls and ceiling and friendly employees. Very nice setting, out away from it all. Thanks, Jim, for leading our little group down there and back, I really enjoyed the ride that day! (about 95 miles from Sylva)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

First Blog Ever

Bloggin is new to me, I have all kinds of thoughts that I want to put out there, so i will see how this is going to work out for me........